orkid 260vtol

ISR drone

Empowering Security and Surveillance with Drone Precision

ISR drone Missions

Across Industries

Delivering real-time intelligence for critical applications in defense, infrastructure monitoring, and public safety.

The ORKID 260VTOL ISR Variant delivers unmatched performance for ISR drone missions, offering 60 minutes of flight time, an 80 km operational range, and wind resistance up to 12 m/s. With seamless Starlink satellite integration, it enables fully autonomous operations, providing real-time video and telemetry through an intelligent C2 Link—eliminating the need for ground infrastructure.

Equipped with modular payloads, this drone supports ISR missions with AI-powered tracking, 40x optical zoom, and advanced sensors like the NDAA-compliant NextVision Starling or Viewpro A40TR-35, which feature 640×512 thermal imaging and a 3000m laser range finder. ORKID ensures rapid deployment, ready to fly in under 10 minutes, making it ideal for the most demanding applications.

Multi-Sensor Streaming for ISR Drone Missions

Onboard Video Encoding and Recording

Object Tracking


Roll Stabilisation

ISR Ready

Equipped with high-definition electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR) sensors, this ISR drone ensures precise real-time reconnaissance and surveillance.

Payload Flexibility

Supports fully autonomous missions, including takeoff, landing, and waypoint navigation, with precision-controlled landing via advanced GPS guidance.

Autonomous Flight

Supports fully autonomous missions, including takeoff, landing, and waypoint navigation, with precision-controlled landing via advanced GPS guidance.

Secure Data Transmission:

Encrypted communications ensure data security during ISR missions.

Starlink Integration for Autonomous ISR

Modular Payload Flexibility

Sustainable and Efficient Performance

Rapid Deployment for Mission Success